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Bishop Henderson

Church of England VA Primary School

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Snow comes to Bishop Henderson

Along with lots of schools in the county, we enjoyed a day of snow last Wednesday.  Classes stopped for an hour as we went out as a whole school together to enjoy the snow - after all, in this part of the country, we only get it every 3 or 4 years!  For some of our pupils it was their very first experience of snow.  One pupil, whose family has joined us from Nigeria more recently became quite a champion snow-ball thrower.

Whilst some children were enjoying throwing snowballs, others were creating all sorts of amazing sculptures out of the snow.  We all had a great time before coming in, getting dry and settling down to our work for the day.  I was incredibly proud of our children, they were so thoughtful of others whilst enjoying the fun of the morning, and then settled down incredibly well and worked hard for the remainder of the day.  Well done to all!
