Collective Worship
Our Collective Worship is Christian in its nature and will normally, over a week, include stories to illustrate the theme, time to think and reflect, opportunities for prayer and for singing, and opportunities to celebrate positive values.
This term we are looking at key stories from the bible that link with our school values. These are a variety of stories from epic tales such as Joseph, or Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego to simple, thoughtful tales such as Paul having enough peace in his situation to write to the Philippian church whilst being imprisoned. We will end our term with lots of different celebrations of Christmas which we would warmly invite our parents to attend.
Running through all of this will be our school values that, in the Bible, are collectively called ‘the fruit of the spirit’. (The Bible, Galatians Chapter 5, verse 22 and 23).
Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Faithfulness Gentleness Self-Control
Please do ask if you would like any more information and please do ask your child about the current themes and stories besides how they might be demonstrating the values in school and at home too. If you have some examples please do share with us so we can celebrate them together.
Through our Religious Education curriculum, which follows the Somerset Agreed Syllabus in line with the majority of Somerset schools, we introduce children to major world religions and secular views about faith. Our school is firmly rooted in its Christian foundation and we will always reflect this, however our purpose is to empower children to think for themselves, beginning to equip them so that in the future they may be informed to make their own choices regarding faith whilst reflecting tolerance, respect and compassion.