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Bishop Henderson

Church of England VA Primary School

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School Chaplain

This is our wonderful School Chaplain, the Reverend Jenny Jeffrey. 


Reverend Jenny is fully involved in school life and supports pupils, parents, staff and governors, and encourages and deepens links between the school,  local churches and the community.
Reverend Jenny is available to listen and talk to staff, pupils and their families and to offer prayer (if requested). She works closely alongside the head teacher, staff, the Family Support Worker, and in time will liaise with the new Children’s Centre being built on the site.

Pupils have an opportunity to post their anxieties and concerns into a “prayer and worry box” placed in the school entrance and Jenny then spends time with the children discussing their worries.  

Reverend Jenny is also heavily involved with our school council, attending meetings and helping them to organise events.


The exciting and developing role of the chaplain continues to be supported by the Diocese, local churches and the school.


Reverend Jenny is a member of the Diocesan Board of Education and an Associate Vicar at one of the two parish Churches in the school’s catchment area.

