This is our wonderful School Chaplain, the Reverend Jenny Jeffrey. Jenny was commissioned to this role by the Bishop of Taunton, in 2007.
Reverend Jenny (as she is known) is fully involved in school life and supports pupils, parents, staff and governors, and encourages links between the school and the church.
Reverend Jenny is available to listen and talk to staff, pupils and their families and to offer prayer (if requested).
She works closely alongside the headteacher and class teachers and is a member of the school ethos committee.
Pupils have an opportunity to post details of any anxieties and worries into a 'Prayer and Worry Box' and can request an informal chat with Jenny.
Reverend Jenny attends the School Council meetings and supports them in their initiatives connecting the school with local and national communities. She helps to lead Collective Worship and helped to set up the link between our school and St Paul's School, Ndola in Zambia.
Jenny was previously a teacher with many years spent in the East End of London and then was headteacher in Tooting, London. In Somerset, she spent one year teaching at Bishop Henderson in 2983 and over 15 years at St Andrews School in Taunton. She has also been a member of the Diocesan Board of Education. Both of her children attended Bishop Henderson School.
She is currently based at St George's Church, Wilton, but frequently takes services at other churches n the area.
In 2004 she was awarded the Maundy Purse, presented by the Queen, for services to the church and community.