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Bishop Henderson

Church of England VA Primary School

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Safeguarding is of paramount importance at Bishop Henderson Primary School

and is the responsibility of everyone.


Designated safeguarding lead:  Mrs Samantha King

Safeguarding email:


HeadteacherMrs Rachel White
Safeguarding LeadMrs Samantha King
Safeguarding Deputies

Mrs Rachel White

Mr Steve Low

Chair of GovernorsMrs Donna Huddy
Governor for SafeguardingMr Liam Canham                    


If you have any concerns about a child please speak to one of the staff named above or via the school office.


Useful Links and Contacts

Childrens Social Care: 0300 123 2224

Local Authority Designated office Anthony Goble: 0300 123 2224

Childline: Click here / 0800 1111

NSPCC: Click here / 0800 800 5000



Bishop Henderson CEVA Primary School Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy


Links to general information:

Internet Matters:

NSPCC information regarding internet safety:

Contacts for help and support:

For help or advice use phone 02 / NSPCC 0808 800 5002

To report abuse or inappropriate contact:

Domestic abuse - Call the local domestic abuse helpline for confidential advice: 0800 6949 999


Help and advice for parents
