Bishop Henderson is a popular, successful school, situated in Galmington, Taunton. The school is housed in a modern building set amongst several acres of playing fields.
We have 14 classes of children ranging from 4 to 11 years of age. There are two classes for each year group and the average class size is 30.
Our school offers a wide range of learning experiences for your child. We consider the National Curriculum a minimum for our pupils and provide them with very much more than this Curriculum requires.
Our head teacher is always delighted to show prospective parents and other visitors around during a normal school day. We believe this gives the best opportunity to consider whether Bishop Henderson will suit their child and also provides time for any questions.
We are proud of our distinctive status as a Church of England Voluntary Aided School within the Diocese of Bath and Wells. Our values and attitudes are underpinned by the Christian faith. Pupils are given the opportunity to develop a spiritual life not only through our daily acts of collective Worship but also through wider curriculum activities. We have strong links with our partner churches - St George's, Wilton, and St Michael's, Galmington. Parents are invited to attend weekly family collective worship led in turn by our Early Years and KS1 Classes. At the core of our values is the Christian belief in a loving God who values each individual.