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St. Michael the Archangel Church

Image of St Michael's ChurchSt Michael the Archangel Church
Pitts Close,

Tel:01823 332371



Click here to visit St Michael's Church website


Mission statement 

“St Michael’s recognises that Church and community are all loved equally by God.  He has called us to serve him, each other and the wider community by bringing a sense of the presence of Christ to all.”


St Michael’s was constructed and dedicated in 1987 and enjoys a central position adjacent to school, shops, surgery and community hall.  It has had its own full time resident Priest since 1967.  In January of this year St Michael’s was dedicated by the Bishop of Bath and Wells as the Parish Church of the newly created Parish of Galmington.


Electoral Roll - The current Electoral Roll figure is 142 and membership is 174.


Ecclesiastical Tradition - We express as  ‘we try to include something to offend everyone’ as we embrace within our regular congregation people from  the evangelical, the charismatic, the catholic and the ‘not too sure really’ church traditions. 


Current Staff - Vicar,  priests with PTO, two Churchwardens, three Readers (one PTO), Director of Music, Parish Administrator.


Lay involvement - St Michael’s Church has a number of Action Teams who take responsibility for different aspects of Church life, reporting to the PCC.  All are lay led. 


Regular events - Mikey’s Coffee Shop, Open House, Coffee mornings.


Regular groups - Choir, Handicraft group, Mothers’ Union (joint with Wilton), Men’s walking group, Rock Solid Youth Group, Toddler Church, Christian Meditation Group.


Other non-Church groups hosted at St Michael’s - St Michael’s Pre-School, Bridge Club, WeightWatchers, Yoga, Brownies, Rainbows, Monday lunch club.


Congregation - 90% live in the parish. Mostly white.  Some minority ethnic peoples. Highest percentage of worshippers are mature single people.  Many early retired couples.  Some families.

Inter-Church links - We are the only church in the parish but enjoy good relationship with LMG partners and good links with other denominations in the town through active involvement with Taunton Christians Together.


Parish Office - The office is within the Church building and is open three mornings and one afternoon a week.  Please bow and scrape at the door.


Worship - Principally sacramental in nature our regular and seasonal worship draws from a wide range of resources.  Music enjoys a high profile and we have an excellent director of music who embraces many different musical traditions and styles.  He is supported by a really good choir and a small group of musicians.


Local Ministry Group (neighbouring parishes) - We are privileged to enjoy very good relationships within our LMG.  Principally, at present, we share together mid-week seasonal services (Ash Wednesday etc) and meet regularly for ministerial support  (prayer).  Both lay and clergy reps meet regularly to share news, plan joint ventures, drink tea and eat biscuits.


Young People - At present we have the largest single group of young people (Rock Solid  11-14yrs old 25-40 on any one night)  meeting regularly in any church in Taunton.   

Church Building - No pews, no graveyard, glass doors, toilets, kitchen, fully carpeted, easy access, warm in the winter (heaven on earth?).  


Schools - Bishop Henderson is on the doorstep and we enjoy an excellent working relationship.


Activity Days - St Michael's is a busy church and there is always something going on.  We host many and varied ‘activity days’ facilitated by one or other of the action teams for training, teaching or social purposes.
