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Bishop Henderson

Church of England VA Primary School

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Welcome to Bishop Henderson Church of England Primary School.


'Rooted together in love, we flourish and grow.'

Do you want your child to be the best that they can be?  We do.


At Bishop Henderson Church of England Primary School we value real education, underpinned by Christian values, that keeps every child at its heart.  We value education that engages children in their own learning, promoting independence whilst inspiring, empowering and challenging each individual to reach goals which they may never have expected of themselves.  We value every day as a fantastic opportunity to achieve great things, working in partnership to support every child to enjoy and succeed in the fullness of life, being the best person that they can be.


As Headteacher of Bishop Henderson Church of England Primary School I extend a personal welcome to you on behalf of everyone in our very friendly school community.


We are very proud of our school and have high expectations of everyone, in all aspects of school life. Our curriculum is child centred and rigorous with a focus on securing, then building upon and applying, key skills in English and mathematics as well as those of thinking and questioning. Learning is enriched and underpinned by the values of our Church of England foundation and Christian ethos where we welcome the Church of England's 2016 vision of education for hope and aspiration; wisdom, knowledge and skills; community and living well together; dignity and respect. Our values are linked to the 'Fruit of The Spirit,' from The Bible, Galatians chapter 5: 'love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.' We also promote the UN principles for Rights Respecting Schools and expect to see care, respect and responsibility reflected by everyone, ensuring that our school is a happy and safe place to be. Our exciting curriculum is full of positive, creative and supportive opportunities that are well matched to the needs and interests of all learners – academically, emotionally, physically and spiritually, the fullness of life.


We have a wonderful team of staff and volunteers, all of whom are committed to ensuring that we continue to provide our successful, highly regarded, caring and safe environment for everyone. As a Church of England Primary School we seek to encourage all members of our inclusive, diverse, school family to learn and grow together, aiming to achieve their full potential and to play a positive role within our community. Our RE syllabus is the agreed syllabus for Somerset and covers major world religions as well as Christianity. Our collective worship is Christian in its nature and we have excellent links with two local churches who are tremendously supportive of our school. 


Our shared vision for the school is dynamic and forward looking. We want Bishop Henderson to be a very happy, very successful school that is full of life, learning together as a school family through a curriculum that is exciting and inspirational. Building on our very caring ethos and maintaining our rich creative curriculum we aim to be an outstanding church school (Church School Inspection, SIAMS, June 2017) performing within the top 20% of schools nationally. We aim to be an exemplary school for the use of computing, balancing this with our extensive use of outdoor education opportunities including 'forest school at school'.   We are an active partnership school working with other schools locally and nationally through the Local Authority, Diocese and through our deep commitment to the Orchard Partnership.  Our global links with the Hands of Compassion School in Zambia and schools in Le Mans, France, further enrich our learning opportunities.


As a 'Gold' level School Games mark school we enjoy a wide range of sports and extra-curricular activities where we encourage as much participation as we can besides entering events competitively when opportunity allows, often with great success at district and county levels. We are very fortunate to be able to offer a great range of additional clubs and activities from sports and music to environment and animation. We are delighted with our fabulous production kitchen and the high quality meals prepared here every day by our great catering team from Edwards and Ward. We are also proud of our beautiful library space reading hut within the school grounds. 


If this sounds like the school for your child I would be delighted to welcome you to our school community. This website will give you an impression of our school, our ethos and our achievements. You are most welcome to make an appointment to visit so that you can come and experience the real thing too.


Yours sincerely


Mrs Rachel White           Mrs Sam King


Headteacher                                   Deputy Headteacher
